Confronting areas of our lives that we don't want is the chance we have to change our lives and guarantee more time to live - Sabrina Rodrigues

Longevity is directly influenced by habits that reduce stress, such as quality sleep, leisure activities and healthy relationships. Stress management improves motivation and encourages healthy eating choices.
Foods rich in phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals are essential for this process. Broccoli, carrots, kale, berries and turmeric are rich in antioxidants and combat cellular aging. Nuts and chestnuts provide good fats and minerals such as magnesium, essential for the nervous system.
The key to a long and healthy life starts on your plate
A widely cited article on the importance of diet for longevity is "Dietary patterns and longevity: An overview of current research" published in the Journal of Aging Research ( )
This study highlights how diets rich in whole foods, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats (such as olive oil) and quality proteins are associated with longer life expectancy. The research also highlights the importance of phytochemicals and antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress, a major factor in cellular aging.

The article explores the Mediterranean and plant-based diets, highlighting their effectiveness in preventing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular problems, diabetes and certain types of cancer. The inclusion of foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals promotes not only longevity, but also quality of life, reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system. Thus, nutrition is an essential pillar for healthy aging.
Examples of 2 ways to consume more nutrient-rich foods for longevity:

Colorful salad with broccoli, grated carrots, walnuts and olive oil. Seasoned with turmeric and lemon, it offers an antioxidant combo.

Smoothie made with red fruits (strawberry, blueberry and blackberry), chia and coconut milk, perfect for a snack rich in fiber and nutrients.